There are sixteen months in a year, each are exactly thirty days, and seven days in a week. In an average year, each season will last four months. The days of the week are Akiday, Luneday, Kedarsday, Elaensday, Mizday, Azraday, and Eveday. The cycle of the moon is thirty-three days.
Eve is the first month of the year, and normally the first month of spring. It is customary for royalty to be crowned on the 1st of Eve to mark the first year of their reign. On the 11th of Eve the Festival of Life is held to honor Evette, the Idol of life, as well as Lunette, Salus, Yadasha and Freya, Idols who celebrate life.
Lune is the second month, after Lunette queen of the Idols, the moon, Idol of marriage and family. If there is a full moon in the month of Lune, the Moon Festival is held in honor of Lunette.
Elae is the third month, after Elaen Idol of light. If there is a full moon in the month of Elae, the Night of Light is celebrated in Elaen’s honor.
Haen is the fourth month, the final month of spring, named after Haenna Idol of home and hospitality. On the 30th of Haen, the Feast of Thanks is held, to thanks the One and the Idols for their blessings.
Kael is the fifth month and the first month of summer. On the 13th of Kael is the Day of Chaos, to honor Kaelos, the sky and Idol of chaos. The Day of Chaos is celebrated with non-malicious acts of chaos or mischief.
Akir is the sixth month, named after Akiravin, king of the Idols, sun and Idol of royalty and justice. The Feast of Kings is held on the first Akiday of Akir at midday in honor of the king Idol.
Zor is the seventh month, after the Idol Zorae. The Festival of Harvest is held on the full moon in Zor, to celebrate the first harvest and honor the Idol of farming and harvest.
Zum is the eighth month, named after Zumigor the Idol of wrath. If there is a new moon in this month, the Feast of the Sons of Chaos is held in honor of the Sons of Chaos: Zumigor, Cathal, and Drakon.
Mizra is the ninth month, the first month of autumn, after Mizrana the earth, Idol of balance. Between the first quarter and the last quarter of the moon, the Season of the Earth is celebrated in Mizrana’s honor.
Maris is the tenth month, after the ocean, Marisha. The Festival of Water is held on the 11th of Maris, in honor of the ocean and rivers.
Draka is the eleventh month, named after Drakon Idol of fire.
Jae is the twelfth month, named after Jaegar, the Idol of beasts and hunt.
Azra is the thirteenth month, the first month of winter, named after Azratos Idol of death. If there is a new moon during this month, the Day of Death is celebrated, to honor the Idol of death and pay respects to loved ones who have passed on.
Ked is the fourteenth month, after Kedar Idol of darkness. On new moon in Ked, the Night of Darkness is celebrated.
Salus is the fifteenth month, after the Idol of health and healing of the same name. The 7th of Salus is when the Feast of the One is held.
Rae is the sixteenth and final month of the year, named after Raeman Idol of merriment and memory. The first day of the month is the Festival of the One.
To spill blood during a feast, festival or day of any Idol or the One—other than Azratos or the Sons of Chaos—is considered to be a great dishonor that must be paid for with sacrifices and offerings, otherwise one must consider their lives forfeit.
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