Ages passed after the stars were created, more Idols were born and the stars became jealous. They did not possess power like the Idols, nor were they worshipped as the Idols were. As mortals came to be, they admired the beauty of the stars and some of them were drawn to the adoration, falling to earth. The first star to fall was Zekael, who seduced a young mortal woman called Naballa. She came to be with child but, knowing the power the offspring would have and seeing an opportunity for chaos, Kaelos cursed her womb. When Naballa gave birth, she bore three children, which were deformed and destructive. But she refused to abandon her children, even when they grew to crave the flesh of Men. She ran away from her people, taking her children to the Valley of Teratan, into the woods now known as the Forest of Beasts. The first monsters of that forest were the descendants of Naballa and Zekael. Serpon, born with scales and poisonous fangs. Gathirio, huge, shaggy, and stronger than a do...